About YIOC Women:
Our Women’s Group was launched five years ago at a gorgeous Sunday morning brunch attended by a wonderful turnout of some 30 women — twice the turnout of what the group’s planners had anticipated. During that energized morning, YIOC Women adopted a broad program patterned after the “three sides of the Young Israel triangle”:
- social activities
- chesed projects (doing acts of kindness)
- uniquely stimulating learning opportunities.
YIOC Women Programs take place every four to six weeks, with a vision balancing the sides of the triangle. Our Women’s Programs includes a wide range of individuals, reflecting the full panorama of the membership of Young Israel of Orange County: established professionals and entrepreneurs, young professionals, mothers and expecting moms, newly observant women, “not-yet-observant” women, ladies from countries ranging from all over the world to our own backyard, right here in Orange County, California.
Recent programs have included a group lunch at one of the finest kosher restaurants in Los Angeles, a quirky scavenger hunt, and an Israel Dancing event.

Women’s Advanced Judaic Learning
Topical classes studying contemporary issues in Jewish life and practice. Taught with primary-source halakhic materials and Judaic studies hand-outs. Each session is a class in itself, with primary scholarly sources studied directly in the text
Alternating Sunday Mornings
Taught by Rav Fischer