Passover Seder Reservations – Both Nights


Seat Reservations

Choose from the options below to reserve your seats for BOTH nights of our 2020 Passover Seders: the First Night Wed. Apr. 8 Seder & the Second Night Thur. Apr. 9 Seder.

  • Price: $110.00
  • Price: $95.00
  • Price: $70.00
  • Price: $200.00
    (1 pairing of two adults reserving together at the same time is $190 for both nights. So if you are two adults, you are reserving and paying for 1 pairing. If you are 4 adults, reserving together at the same time, you are reserving and paying for 2 pairings, etc.)


Additional information

What nights are you attending?

Both Nights, First Night Only, Second Night Only


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